Latitude 47.4966621. Longitude 9.7451115.
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IMF -- Resident Representative Office in Cameroon This web page provides information in on the activities of the Office, views of the IMF staff, and the relations between Cameroon and the IMF.Additional information can be found on Cameroon and IMF country page, including official IMF reports and Executive Board documents in English and French that deal with Cameroon. Arabic Videos - فيديو كليب عربي Voice over IP (VoIP) uses a broadband Internet connection to transmit telephone communications. VoIP-connected users can call other VoIP users or those still hooked to traditional phone lines with no real discernible difference between the quality of audio or transmission compared … 'Sex Tape': Cameron Diaz And Jason Segel Spice Up Their The red band trailer has been released for the hilarious new comedy, Sex Tape, which stars Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel as two characters who, as the title suggests, make a saucy home movie.
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